New Items
Normetanephrine Urine ELISA Fast Track
$550.002-MET UrineELISA Fast Track
$650.00Reverse T3 (rT3) ELISA
$485.00Estrone Saliva ELISA
$450.00IgA Saliva ELISA
$290.00Androstenedione Saliva ELISA
$290.0025-OH-Vitamin D (total) ELISA
$290.00Featured Products
Melatonin Elisa for Saliva
$650.00Melatonin Elisa for Plasma/Serum
$650.00HistaSure™ ELISA Fast Track
$335.00Serotonin ELISA Fast Track
$495.002-CAT ELISA Fast Track
$870.00Dopamine High Sensitive ELISA
$690.00Norepinephrine High Sensitive ELISA
$690.00Epinephrine High Sensitive ELISA
$690.00News - Company News, Product Releases & Events
Histamine Research ELISA now available
Histamine Research™ ELISA available now: multi-species ELISA for the quantitative determinatio
New - Glycine ELISA
Introducing the new BA E-2100 Glycine ELISA About Glycine Glycine is an amino acid which is consid
Experimental Biology 2014
We welcome you to visit us at booth 1042 for this years Experimental Biology Meeting April 26-29th i
AACC 2013
We welcome you to visit us at booth 1640 for this years Clinical Lab Expo in Houston July 30-Aug 1st
Extraction Columns for Neurotransmitters Made Obsolete!
Unique high-through-put extraction procedure for Neurotransmitters This latest technology (sam
The HistaSur ELISA Fast Track
Histamine AnalysisScreening, Quantitative, and Semi-QuantitativeWhether its fresh off the boat, or f